Neutrik NAC3MPA-1-WOT Powercon
  • Neutrik NAC3MPA-1-WOT Powercon
  • Neutrik NAC3MPA-1-WOT Powercon

Cere mai multe informatii despre Neutrik NAC3MPA-1-WOT Powercon la numarul de telefon 0766.332.366 sau discuta pe forumul Poweraudio.

Preţ: 18,00 Lei
Fără TVA: 15,13 Lei
16 bucati in stoc
Producător: Neutrik
Cod produs: Neutrik NAC3MPA-1-WOT Powercon

Features & Benefits

  • Locking 20 A / 250 V ac appliance coupler
  • 3 contacts for line, neutral and premating safety ground
  • Power-in (blue) and power-out (grey) versions with different keying to avoid the possibility of intermating
  • Fast and easy twist lock latching system
  • Extremely robust and reliable
  • Ergonomic design
  • User friendly latch design for easy handling
  • UL, cUL recognized components
    VDE certified
  • Branded with unique hologram - guarantees genuine and authentic Neutrik product
  • Se foloseste doar pentru alimentarea cu energie electrica a consumatorilor.
    NU se foloseste pentru semnal audio. Nu este compatibil cu mufele Speakon!

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